Submitted by Ron Hooper


I received this picture from Steve Adams
Left to right:
Mary Polly Philips Hooper, Larkin W Hooper (son) Clemmons S Hooper, Jr.
Picture was made about 1870

Picture of Richard Brooks Hooper (son of Obediah Sr.) grave site. The grave is located in Banks County,
Georgia a few miles from my home. The Obediah Hooper Sr. homeplace was located in the general area
of the grave. This area of the county changed names 3 times, Franklin, Habersham and to Banks. The old timers
in Banks County remember the land accross the road from the grave as being the Old Hooper Place. There was
a Hooper covered bridge that crossed the Middle River but was burned by vandals many years ago. The bridge
and old road bed is shown on many of the old Banks County maps. I have not been able to find Obediah's grave
but I am sure it is located nearby. The DAR placed the tombstone on Richard's grave back in the 1930s. The grave
is currently in a cow pasture and unprotected. There are several other graves in the small cemetery and many
are not identified. The cemetery is known as the Kesler Cemetery to the local county folks and is currently
owned by the Whitfield family.

Absalom (1757/64 - 1845) Hooper's Fiddle. Its not often we actually get to see something that belonged to
our earliest known ancestor. The fiddle was built for Absalom by a Picklesimer. I wonder how many tunes
Absalom played for his children and Sarah on those cold winter nights in the mountains?
Owner of the fiddle wishes to remain anonymous.

Isaac Mack Hooper in his Confederate Uniform
~ Picture was made during the Civil War ~
Isaac Mack is the Son of Isaac Hooper and GrandSon of Absalom and Sarah Sailors Hooper

Left to Right:
James Carl Hooper (my father), Ron Hooper (me) and Jerry Taylor (Double Hooper Cousin living in Town County, GA)
Picture was taken at a Family Reunion June 20, 2001

Materials on this page and linked webpages within this site are © 2002-2057 by Clay Hooper, those that have submitted materials, and those that have participated in the HOOPER DNA PROJECT. Family researchers and tax-exempt genealogical societies may freely link to these web pages and/or use the material personally, as described under copyright law. All for-profit reproduction of these electronic pages - in any format - by any other organization or persons is restricted by the author. All others desiring to use this material must obtain written consent of the copyright holder.